I would be delighted if you would like to follow my JOYSofGLASS Facebook Page. I keep this up to date on an almost daily basis with my latest makes and it also acts as a little bit of a blog for my glass and non-glass activities. You can also find me and follow me on Twitter Pinterest & Instagram


I maintain photo albums on my Facebook page of all the glass I make which serves for me as a very useful reference of when I made what. Every six months or so I start a new album and I have created this gallery so you can view them if you would like to. In order oldest first. My newest work is therefore in the last album but you can also see that one by clicking this photo.
Just click any photo below and it will take you to that album. 

My latest makes in my Facebook album
Quirky Cats


I would be delighted to hear from you if you see something on here which you cannot find for sale in my TBCH or Folksy shop or if you would perhaps like a different colour option. I generally only have one of each design, colour in stock but am always happy to make whatever anybody wants.  You can contact me here

My Glass Albums on Facebook. Click any picture to view that album, oldest first.